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Kumite literally means sparring/fighting or partner work and is when two people practice their techniques against one another.
Kumite is the ability to apply everything that you’ve practiced in basics and everything that you’ve learned in kata against a real opponent. If you think about it everything that you have been practicing and everything that you have learned has been geared towards your being able to defend yourself should the need arise and this is why kumite is of paramount importance.
The way we practice kumite is through set routines and set defenses and although there is a certain element of repetitiveness to the set defense applications, our skill in both attacking our opponent and defending against our opponent’s attack develops quickly.
Karate teaches you to be confident, to be strong in spirit, mind and character among other things. Learning partner work techniques can never adequately prepare you against any attack but what it will do is give you the confidence to believe that you could take care of yourself should the need arise. This confidence is forged through the constant practice of kumite.
Kumite provides the arena for testing your Karate moves. It allows you to try out all of your techniques against an equal or better opponent. When sparring in the dōjō, your goal should not be to beat your opponent and win the fight, your goal should be to try all of the techniques you have learned against your opponent. It doesn’t matter if the technique you try is successful or not, the main point is that you learn what works and what doesn’t work for you. This way when it comes time to enter tournaments you won’t make the same mistakes as in the dōjō. Practice in the dōjō in a safe and controlled environment is essential preparation for testing your skills at the national and international level through tournaments.
Kumite should be both fun and insightful and for many is the most enjoyable part of their Karate training!
Color Key Code:
- 入門 - Nyūmon (Kyu 0)
- 初級 - Shokyū (Kyu 10-8)
- 中級 - Chūkyū (Kyu 7-4)
- 上級 - Jōkyū (Kyu 3-1)
- 初伝 - Shoden (Dan 1 & 2)
- 中伝 - Chūden (Dan 3 & 4)
- 奥伝 - Okuden (Dan 5 & 6)
- 口伝 - Kuden (Dan 7)