Kihon Renshū Ho
None at Present
Under Construction:
Please make make your selection from the list below:
Tachi Kata - 立ち方 - Stances
- Han-zenkutsu Dachi - 半前屈立ち - half front stance (60:40)

- Heisoku Dachi - 閉足立ち - closed feet stance
- Heikō Dachi - 平行立ち - parallel stance
- Kōkutsu Dachi - 後屈立ち - back stance (30:70)
- Kōsa Dachi - 交差立ち - backside crossed legs stance
- Moto Dachi - 基立 - front side crossed legs stance
- Musubi Dachi - 結び立ち - knot-shaped stance
- Nekoashi Dachi - 猫足立ち - cat foot stance (10:90)
- Re no ji Dachi - レの字立ち - the Japanese letter "Re" stance (or "L" stance) (30:70)
- Sagiashi Dachi - 鷺足立ち - crane stance, standing on 1 foot the other knee high (0:100)
- Sanchin Dachi - 三戦立ち - three battles stance
- Shiko Dachi - 四股立ち - square stance
- Shiko Dachi Chokkaku - 四股立ち直角 - lower form stance at 90°
- Shiko Dachi Heikaku - 四股立ち平角 - lower form stance at 180°
- Shiko Dachi Shakaku - 四股立ち斜角 - lower form stance at 45°
- Soto hachi Dachi - 外八字立ち - outward shape of the number eight stance
- Uchi hachi Dachi - 内八字立ち - inward shape of the number eight stance
- Zenkutsu Dachi - 前屈立ち- front stance (60:40)
Uke Waza - 受け技 - Blocking Techniques
- Age Uke - 上げ受け - rising block [or Jōdan Uke - 上段受け - Upper Block to head]
- Harai Otoshi Uke - 払い落し受け - dropping circle block [or Gedan Barai - 下段払い - ]
- Kake Uke - 掛け受け - outward knife hand block
- Mawashi Uke - 回し受け - double circle block (open hand)
- Osae Uke - 押受け - pressing block
- Shutō Uke - 手刀受け - knife hand block
- Sukui Uke - 掬い受け - scooping block
- Teisho Uke - 低所受け - palm heel block
- Uchi Uke - 打ち受け - inside fore arm block
- Uwa Uke Shita Barai - 上受け下払い Upper and lower block = Age Uke - 上げ受け & Harai Otoshi Uke - 払い落し受け - simultaneously
- Yoko Uke - 横受け - Circle block
- Yoko Uke Shita Barai - 横受け下払い - Double Block = Yoko Uke - 横受け& Harai Otoshi Uke - 払い落し受け - simultaneously
Tsuki Waza - 突き技- Punching Techniques
- Age tsuki - 上げ突き - Rising punch
- Awase Tsuki - 合わせ突き - double punch (high & low)
- Hiki Tsuki - 引き突き - pulling punch
- Ippon Nukite Tsuki - 一本貫手突き - one-finger punch
- Kizami Tsuki - 刻み突き - leading punch, or jab
- Morote Tsuki - 諸手突き - double punch (parallel)
- Nuki-te Tsuki - 貫手突き - finger punch
- Sanbon Tsuki - 三本突き - triple punch (jodan, chudan, gedan)
- Shita Tsuki - 下突き - digging punch (palm side up)
- Sokuhō Tsuki - 側方突き - palm heel punch / Side Thrust
Ate Waza - 当身技 - Striking Techniques
- Hiji Ate - 肘当て - elbow strike
- Hiza Ate - 膝当て - knee strike
- Teisho Ate - 低所当て - palm heel strike
Uchi Waza - 打ち技 - Hitting Techniques
- Furi Uchi - 振り打ち - circle strike
- Haitō Uchi - 背刀打ち - ridge hand strike
- Nihon Shuto Uchi - 二本手刀打ち - knife hand strike (with both hands as in Sanchin Kata)
- Tettsui Uchi - 鉄槌打ち - bottom fist strike (or hammer fist strike)
- Ura Uchi - 裏打ち - knuckle strike (palm side up)
Keri Waza - 蹴り技 - Kicking Techniques
- Gedan Geri - 下段蹴り - low kick
- Kakato Otoshi Geri - 踵落し蹴り - kicking with the foot edge (heel drop kick to the back)
- Kansetsu Geri - 関節蹴り - heel to knee kick (to snap at knee joint)
- Kekomi Otoshi Geri - 蹴込み落し蹴り - to the rear kick
- Kin Geri - 金蹴り - Groin snap kick
- Mae Geri - 前蹴り - front kick
- Mawashi Geri - 回し蹴り - round house kick
- Sokutō Geri - 足刀蹴り - joint kick
- Ura Mawashi Geri - 裏回し蹴り - thrust kick
- Ushiro Geri - 後ろ蹴り - dropping back kick
Renzoku Waza - 連続技 - Combinations
- Yonhon Dōsa - 四本動作 - (4 Technic Combo) Enpi Uchi, Ura Uchi, Gedan Barai, Gyaku Tsuki - 燕飛打ち、裏打ち、下段払い、逆突き
- Yonhon Dōsa - 四本動作 - (4 Technic Combo) Age Tsuki, Ura Uchi, Gedan Barai, Gyaku Tsuki - 上げ突き、裏打ち、下段払い、逆突き
- Yonhon Dōsa - 四本動作 - (4 Technic Combo) Mawashi Hiji Ate, Ura Uchi, Gedan Barai, Gyaku Tsuki - 回し肘当て、裏打ち、下段払い、逆突き