Bowing Procedures
None at Present
Under Construction:
A breakdown of the Ceremonial Bowing Procedure/Reiho.
1. Seating Order in the Dōjō:
Kamiza (上座) and Shimoza (下座) In Japanese society, rank and relationship between individuals is important to maintainthe social structure. One of the most important rules of business etiquette in Japan is the knowledge of the seating order, kamiza and shimoza. The most important person sits on the honoured seat (kamiza) which is located farthest from the entrance. The host or the least important person is supposed to sit next to the entrance (shimoza). Also, there are more factors to be considered in every specific case.
Three Basic Rules of the Kamiza and Shimoza.
The senior person(s) takes the kamiza and the junior person(s) takes the shimoza.
Far from the entrance is the kamiza and close to the entrance is the shimoza.
The right side is the Jōseki (上席) and the left side is the Shimoseki (下席).
2. Bowing In and Out:
Bowing, simply put, is a way in which one shows their respect for something or someone. In karate dōjō, the respect is paid to dōjō, kaiso, instructors, and fellow students. When it is time for class to begin or end, either the instructor or a senior student will announce that it is time to line up. Lining up should be done quickly and quietly. When everybody is lining up, the lining order should be correct and straight. Then the most senior student who is present will command the bowing in and out.
3. Diagrams in Example

Diagram 1
This diagram is based on our Dōjō's layout

Diagram 2
This diagram is based on our traditional North American / International Camp.
Seating can vary based on the location of the entrance of the Dōjō

Diagram 3
This diagram is based on a complete international contingency
- Seiretsu! (整列!) - Line up!
- Ki o tsuke! (気を付け!) - Attention!
- Seiza! (正座!) - Sit!
- Mokusō! (黙想!) - Meditation!
- Shūyō kun! (修養訓!) - Training Virtues!
Warera Karate-dō wo osamuru mono wa:
We the students of Gōjū Ryū, do aspire to these virtues:
1. Hitotsu - Gōjū no michi wo manabu wo motte hokori to subeshi.
We are proud to study the way of Gōjū.
1. Hitotsu - Reigi wo tadashiku subeshi.
We are courteous in manners
1. Hitotsu – Shichijitsugōken wo mune to subeshi.
We strive to develop courage and fighting spirit.
1. Hitotsu - Danketsu gojo no seishin wo yashinaubeshi.
We cultivate fellowship and understanding.
1. Hitotsu - Nippon korai no dentōtaru shōbu no kifuu wo sonchō subeshi.
We respect the ideals of loyalty and honor, traditional from olden times in Japan.
- Shōmen oyobi Kaiso ni taishite rei (正面及び会祖に対して礼) - Bow to the front and Kaiso's Portrait/Image
- (Bow to all that apply):
- Yamaguchi Saikō-Shihan ni taishite rei (山口最高師範に対して礼) - Bow to Saikō-Shihan's portrait
- __ Shihan ni taishite rei (__ 師範に対して礼) - [Name/s] Bow to Shihan/s
- Jokyō ni taishite rei (助教に対して礼) - Bow to Assistant Master Instructors
- Shidō-in ni taishite rei (指導員に対して礼) - Bow to Senior Instructors
- Senpai ni taishite rei (先輩に対して礼) - Bow to Senpai
- Otagai ni rei (お互いに礼) - Bow to each other
- Kiritsu! (起立!) - Stand up!
- Kurasu kaisan! (クラス解散!) - Class Dismissed!