Director & Chief Instructor: Sensei Eugene Kitney, Jokyō
Honbu Dōjō & Mailing Address: 1471 W. Corporate Dr., Lewisville TX 75067
(512) 953-3656

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Breakdown of Class Elements
None at Present
Below are just a few of the most commonly implemented Class Elements at the Kaizen Gōjūkan. There are at least one break during a traditional class, sometimes two depending on the nature of the workout.
Junbi Undō - 準備運動
- Description/Comments: Before any type of physical activity it is highly recommended that you warm-up and stretch. It is often a good idea to end the activity with more stretching (sometimes called a warm-down). Karate is a very physical activity and so it should be obvious that a warm-up is an integral part of each lesson
- Class: All Classes
Reihō - 礼法
- Description/Comments: The majority of karate schools adhere to some kind of formal etiquette at the beginning and end of each class. This practice can be attributed to traditional Asian culture where bowing are often used to begin and end any type of structured activity. At the Kaizen Gōjūkan, we practise both full routine of formal etiquette including kneeling, multiple bows and the verbal recital of the school creed to a more laidback standing bow approach depending on the program of the session.
- Class: All Classes
Kihon Renshū-hō - 基本練習法
- Description/Comments: Right after the warm-up ends many karate classes begin with basic practice. This includes drilling stances, punches, kicks, blocks and strikes on the spot and up and down the floor with the focus being on multiple repetitions of the main techniques required for each rank level.
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Kihon Idō - 基本移動
- Description/Comments: Right after the warm-up ends many karate classes begin with basic practice. This includes drilling stances, punches, kicks, blocks and strikes on the spot and up and down the floor with the focus being on multiple repetitions of the main techniques required for each rank level.
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Shiho Idō - 四方移動
- Description/Comments: Taking the elements used in Kihon Idō, and implementing it in all four major directions.
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Gōjū-ryū Kata - 剛柔流型
- Description/Comments: Forms are pre-defined sequences of techniques that a practitioner must memorize. The forms are often a main requirement for each test, and they help the practitioner to understand how different techniques fit together and integrate into sets of techniques. There are many different forms and each one has a set pattern with a central focus.
They are often likened to the martial arts equivalent of a dance routine but most forms have accompanying application drills that show how each technique can be used against an opponent in a self-defense situation.
- Class: ...
Kata Bunkai Kumite - 型分解組み手
- Description/Comments: Bunkai literally meaning Description/Comments: Bunkai literally meaning "analysis" or "disassembly", is a term used in Japanese martial arts referring to the application of fighting techniques extracted from the moves of a "form"
- Class:...
Kumite - 組手
- Description/Comments: Kumite lliterally translated means "grappling hands" and is one of the three main sections of karate training, along with kata and kihon. Kumite is the part of karate in which a person trains against an adversary, using the techniques learned from the kihon and kata.
Kumite can be used to develop a particular technique or a skill (e.g. effectively judging and adjusting one's distance from one's opponent) or it can be done in competition.
- Class:...
Goshin-jutsu - 護身術
- Description/Comments: Is a set of Martial Arts inspired techniques used to defend onself in practical ways during encounters of everyday life, should it be necessary.
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Hokyō Undō - 補強運動
- Description/Comments: This is really where your level of fitness can improve dramatically. Conditioning drills include running, jumping, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, star jumps, squats, relays, and any number of stamina-focused activities & Belt drills. Depending on the level of the class and the age group these drills are not always for the light-hearted.
Reihō - 礼法 [Ceremonial Bowing Procedures]
- Description/Comments: See Above.
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