Affiliations & Partnerships
None at Present
Under Construction:
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A brief look at the Kaizen Gōjūkan's affiliations
More information regarding our affiliation, partnerships and professional relationships will be posted in the near future. Please contact Eugene Kitney, Sensei for more information regarding this matter in the interim.
I.K.G.A. - 国際本空手道剛柔会
I.K.G.A. (International Karate-dō Gōjū-kai Association) - is an international association formed by the late Grand Master Gōgen Yamaguchi to help bring Gōjū-ryū Karate-dō to the world. Under his leadership the I.K.G.A. flourished with thousands of members worldwide, and under the leadership of his son, Grand Master Gōshi Yamaguchi, the association continues to grow and thrive.
I.K.G.A. Instructor's Certificate
Awarded by
Gōshi Yamaguchi, Saikō-shihan |
I.K.G.A. Dōjō Affiliation Certificate
Awarded by
Gōshi Yamaguchi, Saikō-shihan |
I.K.G.A. Award Certificate
Awarded by
Gōshi Yamaguchi, Saikō-shihan
at time of the 100th Anniversary
of the birth of Gōgen Yamaguchi, Kaiso |
I.M.A.F. - K.B.I. Americas - 国際武道連盟 国際武道院
I.M.A.F.-K.B.I. (International Martial Arts Federation - Kokusai Budō-in Renmei) is a professional budō organization with high status, regard and esteem conferred by the Japanese Government. It is also the same organization that have awarded rank to our Association's founder, Gōgen Yamaguchi, Kaiso amongst other budō Greats.
Affiliate Membership Certificate
Awarded by
IMAF-KBI Americas
with recognition from Japan HQ |
J.B.I.F. - 日本武道国際連盟
J.B.I.F. (Japan Budō International Federation) - formerly known as A.J.B.A. - All Japan Budo Association or 全日本武道協会, is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-political, non-profit and international association established for an indefinite period of time in order to achieve the goals of studying and spreading traditional Japanese Budō (martial arts), traditions and Japanese culture.
Administratively J.B.I.F.. is based in the country of the Acting President (Serbia) and with Honbu Dōjō based in Japan in the Dōjō of Honorary President.
Certificate of Membership
Awarded by
Hideharu Ishii Shihan
& Mladen Burazerović Shihan |
Certificate of Dōjō Membership
Awarded by
Hideharu Ishii Shihan
& Mladen Burazerović Shihan |
I.S.K.F. - 国際青龍拳法連盟
I.S.K.F. (International Seiryū Kenpō Federation) formerly ISGKA (International Seiryū Gōjū Kenpō Association) is a split or breakaway group practising Budō that is based on Shōrinji-Kenpō (少林寺拳法). It is a system of "self-defense training" (護身錬鍛: goshin-rentan), "mental training" (精神修養: seishin-shūyō) and "promoting health" (健康増進: kenkō-zōshin).
Instructor's License
and authorization to test
to Sandan Level
Awarded by
Shigeru Tanaka, Kaichō |
Daikenshi License (A Hōkai grade)
Awarded by
Shigeru Tanaka, Kaichō |
Dōjō Affiliation/Charter Certificate
Awarded by
Shigeru Tanaka, Kaichō |
N.G.J.K. - 日本護身術研究会

N.G.J.K. (Nihon Goshin-Jutsu Kenkyūkai) - is a organization whose purpose is to link all like-minded clubs, groups & associations of various martial arts that train in an element of Goshin-Jutsu. This encompasses all Japanese martial arts such as: Karate (Bunkai/Ōyō), Jūdō, Aikidō & Jūjutsu (westernized), etc.
Membership Certificate.
Authorised by NGJK Board of Control;
Dave Baker Shihan & Stephen Peil Shihan; signators |
Other Friendships & Partnerships
F.A.M.A. - アドベンチスト武道家連盟
F.A.M.A. (Federation of Adventist Martial Artists) - is a self-supporting ministry, and community for Seventh-day Adventist Martial Arts, Students and Instructor's.
Letter of Appointment: North American District
Awarded by
Teruyuki Tamaei, Kaichō |
Letter of Appointment: USA Region
Awarded by
Teruyuki Tamaei, Kaichō |
Dōjō Certificate of Affiliation
Awarded by
Teruyuki Tamaei, Kaichō |
W.G.K.A. - 世界剛柔流空手同盟
W.G.K.A. (World Gojuryu Karate Alliance) - is a first attempt at simple communication between Gōjū practitioners around the world. No political intentions, no intent to propound one system of Kai/Kan of Goju over another - simply facilitation of communication of events and activities of interest to Gōjū practitioners in and from countries all over the globe. NO personal grudges played out, no disparagement of another's name, rep, style, teaching methods, just sharing Gōjū with each other- thoughts, aspirations, training experiences. W.K.G.A. was founded in 2010 by Steven Berkowtiz Hanshi, who served as the first president of the association from 2010 to 2018 when he passed. W.K.G.A. welcomes all lineages of Gōjū-ryū to join and work together to preserve Gōjū-ryū as a whole for future generations..
No Certificate at Present.
USA Karate

USA Karate, Formerly: USA National Karate-dō Federation, and is a member of the US Olympic Committee. Our club in the Austin area will be affiliating to USA Karate as soon as possible, to allow new members the opportunity to, where possible, compete in Sport Karate. This is not something we as a club actively pursues, as Karate is not seen as a sport, but rather an art; a martial art. We would like to create opportunities however for those who see opportunities in Karate as a sport, to compete and excel at it.
USA Karate - Club Membership Certificate (EXPIRED)
Formerly: USA National Karate-dō Federation