Kihon Yakusoku Kumite
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Jiyū-kumite refers to the practice of using all the techniques you have learned until now against an opponent. You cannot be off your guard even a second. Yakusoku (promise) kumite is a prearranged sequence between two students. One student will usually attack, and the other will defend. Sometimes there is an exchange of attacks and defenses. But the main point is that the sequence is prearranged -- each student knows what he will do and what his partner will do.
Color Key Code:
- 入門 - Nyūmon (Kyu 0)
- 初級 - Shokyū (Kyu 10-8)
- 中級 - Chūkyū (Kyu 7-4)
- 上級 - Jōkyū (Kyu 3-1)
- 初伝 - Shoden (Dan 1 & 2)
- 中伝 - Chūden (Dan 3 & 4)
- 奥伝 - Okuden (Dan 5 & 6)
- 口伝 - Kuden (Dan 7)